For after-hours emergency service, please call (833) 619-0624 (North America) or (817) 993-7791 (International), or if the phone line is busy email with details of your emergency.
1987 The Travel Group Ltd, dba The Travel Group, (the “Travel Agency”) advises that because of the worldwide effects of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, it cannot provide any representations about any location or travel service that you are booking for yourself or others.
When you book with The Travel Agency you are acknowledging that you are waiving certain rights and by confirming any travel arrangements from The Travel Agency you are accepting the following terms on behalf of yourself and everyone who is part of the booking, that:
- COVID-19 is active, worldwide, with associated health risks and restrictions that could, without warning, affect and cause significant disruptions, cancellations and changes to any and all travel arrangements, by way of COVID-19 outbreaks, sudden border closures, quarantine and lockdown orders, airport closures, government travel advisories, return-home directives, hospitalisation for treatment and other similar consequences; and consequences not reasonably foreseeable at this time (collectively referred to as the “COVID-19 Risks”);
- You and everyone who is a part of the booking acknowledge that you have had professional advice as to personal health condition and medical needs; and you warrant that you and everyone who is a part of this booking is fit to travel; and
- Any travel insurance policy obtained by you or anyone else who is a part of the booking, may not include insurance coverage for travel service cancellations, interruptions financial, medical or other COVID-19 Risks, and all types of coverage must be confirmed with the travel insurer.
- NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE, you and everyone who is a part of the booking, have decided to proceed with the travel arrangements organized by the Travel Agency and you agree that:
- By going ahead with the travel arrangements, you voluntarily assume all the COVID-19 Risks and other risks involved with such travel, whether those risks are expected or unexpected;
- In the event that some or all of the travel arrangements are cancelled, interrupted or otherwise affected by the COVID-19 Risks, your rights and remedies shall be as determined and limited by the cancellation, rebooking, refund and other policies and the terms and conditions of the supplier of the affected travel service, as set out in its brochures and/or websites, all of which have been referred to you by the Travel Agency;
- In no circumstances will the Travel Agency, its employees, directors, contractors, and agents, be liable to you, or any other person, for any refund, loss, damage, delay or injury resulting from any cancellation, interruption, or other event or a failure of any supplier to provide any travel service to you, or for any other breach of contract or the intentional or careless act or omission of any supplier of any such travel service;
- You hereby waive all and any rights or claims that you, your heirs, assigns or any other person may have against the Travel Agency arising directly or indirectly from the occurrence of any COVID-19 Risks, or the failure, whether negligent or otherwise, of the Travel Agency to inform of any COVID-19 Risks or precautions to take or required documents;
- This waiver and release of liability is in addition to the terms and conditions of the Travel Agency and the terms and conditions of the suppliers providing the travel services that are part of the booking;
- If any part of this waiver and release of liability is found to be unenforceable that will not affect the enforceability of an other part, each of which is severable from any unenforceable part.
408 – 535 Thurlow Street
Vancouver BC V6E 3L2
Tel: 604 681 6345
Fax: 604 684 9704